Thursday, September 17, 2009

business technology


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A safe food supply for Asia 

Consumer habits, infrastructure gaps, and rapid growth make improving food safety in Asia a challenge. Retailers are in the best position to meet it. 

AUGUST 2009 
China’s consumption challenge 

A panel of leading Chinese economists debates proposals to stoke private consumption in the world’s fastest-growing economy. 


Five trends that will shape business technology in 2009 

The year 2009 will be challenging for CIOs. Here’s how to play your hand. 

MAY 2009  
Memo to the CEO: Why we need an annual report for technology 

The IT organization and the business units should be much more in tune. Here’s one way to make that happen. 

APRIL 2009  
Document management: A hidden source of value 

How a new document advisory unit at one company produced some significant gains. 

Managing IT spending 

Many IT organizations will reduce their spending in 2009. A strong management focus can mitigate the pain—and create opportunities. 

Data centers: How to cut carbon emissions and costs 

The demand for data center capacity worldwide has led to a sharp rise in IT costs and a steady increase in carbon emissions. A new efficiency metric provides companies with a clear yardstick for measuring progress. 

How IT can cut carbon emissions 

Information and communications technologies will become a major source of greenhouse gas emissions but can abate far more of them. 

Managing IT in a downturn: Beyond cost cutting 

Looking to slash your IT investments? Consider the possibility that targeted ones might generate savings and revenues exceeding what you could save through cost cutting. 

JUNE 2008 
The next step in open innovation 

The creation of knowledge, products, and services by online communities of companies and consumers is still in its earliest stages. Who knows where it will lead? 

JUNE 2008 
Meeting the demand for data storage 

As the information storage needs of many large enterprises grow and become more complex, IT executives must have better policies to guide their efforts. 

Eight business technology trends to watch 

Eight emerging trends are transforming many markets and businesses. Executives should learn to shape the outcome rather than just react to it. 

JULY 2007 
Better IT management for banks 

McKinsey research shows that the IT investments of banks are most fruitful when they match technology strategy with business strategy, implement systems in a disciplined way, and balance value creation with increased IT capabilities. 

JUNE 2007 
Delivering software as a service 

A new delivery method is shaking the software industry’s foundations. Traditional vendors should take heed. 


Google’s view on the future of business: An interview with CEO Eric Schmidt 

Succeeding at open-source innovation: An interview with Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker 

JUNE 2008 
Managing IT to support rapid growth: An interview with the CIO of NetApp 

JULY 2008 
From internal service provider to strategic partner: An interview with the head of Global Business Services at P&G 


JULY 2009 
E-government 2.0 

Despite spending enormous amounts on Web-based initiatives, government agencies often fail to meet users’ needs online. By employing new governance models, investing in Web capabilities, and embracing user participation, agencies can raise the effectiveness of their online presence. 

AUGUST 2009  
IT architecture: Cutting costs and complexity 

A joint effort by IT and business leaders can help companies not only to save money but also to prepare for the return of growth. 

MAY 2009  
Where IT infrastructure and business strategy meet 

CIOs and CTOs should take the lead in explaining how IT infrastructure creates business value—especially in challenging times. 

MARCH 2009  
How CIOs should think about business value 

Grasping the business value from IT is challenging. CIOs who are successful in this endeavor broaden their scope of action beyond the technical sphere and traditional IT levers. 

Six ways to make Web 2.0 work 

Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them. 


IT’s unmet potential: McKinsey Global Survey Results 

Senior corporate leaders and tech executives want IT to better serve business strategy, but current performance still falls short, our third annual survey reveals. 

JULY 2008 
Building the Web 2.0 Enterprise: McKinsey Global Survey Results 

Companies are using more Web 2.0 tools and technologies than they were last year, sometimes for more complex business purposes, according to McKinsey’s second annual survey on Web 2.0. Companies that are satisfied with their use of these tools are starting to see changes throughout the enterprise. 


MAY 2008 
China’s opportunity in offshore services 

China faces major challenges to becoming a global giant in the offshoring and outsourcing of services. 

AUGUST 2007 
How companies can make the most of user-generated content 

The success of online participatory media—video-sharing sites and corporate wikis alike—depends on the quality contributions of a small core of enthusiasts. 

MAY 2007 
The next frontier in IT strategy: A McKinsey Survey 

IT executives say that they are now helping to shape business strategy but need to improve their ability to tap innovation. 


McKinsey's Business Technology Office publishes a print collection several times a year. The most recent edition includes these articles. 

Six ways to make Web 2.0 work 

Getting infrastructure offshoring right  

Where IT infrastructure and business strategy meet  

Strengthening India’s offshoring industry  


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  Rethinking the model for offshoring services 
BPO providers can reduce risks by diversifying their locations and services. 
  IT architecture: Cutting costs and complexity 
A joint effort by IT and business leaders can help companies save money and prepare for the return of growth. 
  Strengthening India's offshoring industry 
India's technology and business services industry can defend and even expand its global market share, but only if it learns to innovate. 
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